Monday, August 27, 2007

Telephone Pyaar

I wait with bated breath,
And every second, I count;
Till that little screen lights up,
And chimes just the right amount.

Leaving everything aside,
I jump towards my telephone;
And dial the rythemic number,
Praying that no one's at home.

We talk for hours, and,
Hours at end;
Dreams engulf me,
Without sleep or end.

When finally the sun rises,
And yawns space each line we say;
She bids me farewell with such affection,
Each syllable makes me sway.

As soon as the cradle is back in it's home,
I long for just a moment more;
A minute? An hour?
Maybe two, maybe four.

For however long we talk,
There is a fact, which holds true;
Whenever I do not hear your voice,
I swear, every inch of me misses you.


zaza said...

that sent shivers up my spine...esp the last line!! *youre really gud* you need to update more often..

LizRiz said...

Pavel, you're work is truly amazing. I can imagine it happening, it's that close to reality. Do-not stop writing for pete's sake. :)


ان کاغزوں کا کیا کروں تیرا نام جن پے لکھا تھا کورے رہے نا وہ، نا میں شائید ایسا ہی لکھا تھا