Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I picture you wearing only that scarf,
Made of naught but moonlight;
Is it material that guards our bodies?
Or is it just man's mere sight?

I picture you wearing a frown,
Do not look upon me, it proclaims.
Can I really see what you fear?
Or is your heart just full of shame?

I picture you wearing a smile,
A lie it is, so clear;
Isn't it too easy today, my love?
Changing a curse to a sneer?

I picture you wearing black,
Suffered, you surely have not;
Weren't you the benefactor of pain, my love?
Wasn't hatred all that I got?

I picture you wearing the crown,
Feast on the cadaver of your only love;
How many more shall you devour?
Should man stop beleiving in true love?

I picture you wearing nothing,
Born in a brothel, was it not you?
Where are all the admirers now, my love?
Save the beasts who lust for you?

1 comment:

Jupiter said...

love it!
*thumbs up*


ان کاغزوں کا کیا کروں تیرا نام جن پے لکھا تھا کورے رہے نا وہ، نا میں شائید ایسا ہی لکھا تھا